Monday, September 20, 2010

At the Johannesburg Zoo

Its a saturday. I took half day work (overtime) and by no means, I ended up in the zoo. As usual, I just tagged along with friends. Not much of an outdoor type, your blogger is. The Joburg Zoo, is quite big, a half-day isn't enough to tour the whole ground. Here are Some of my encounters in this jungle:
1. Scimitars
2. Peacocks
3. Elephants
4. African buffalos
5. Caracas
6. Monkeys (lots of them)
7. Aardwolf
8. Zebra
9. Giraffe
10. African wild pigs
11. Crocodiles
12. Ostrich
13. White lions
well, there's more, but my wife's tired of walking around haha! This zoo is very organized, well kept. And offers rides for recreation, an open park field for picnics. Entrance is R50. Shisas!

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