Done and dusted for the past few months. So many things happened, that should have never happened by the way. My smartphone thrown away in a washing machine (wash, rinse and dry - about 39 minutes or so)
then my wife lost her smartphone (somewhere in the mall) All of this and Nothing,, thats Life - after using it for 2 years. Things that rust and suddenly you feel the pain of lost. No picture takings, no video shoots for Riley. Somehow, the only thing that survived is my Sim Card. My Galaxy S still works, but you cannot do anything on the screen. I have been tired and tested at work too. To think , that i am not capable of producing high volumes at work. Sometimes, I don't believe in myself anymore at work. They made me feel like this. Loads of crap and rubbish talks is all i get - but in the end - i had to endure all of this non-sense, i just dont know - how long i can take it. The pain in my left wrist is still there, it never fades away after all this time. Doing a general work everyday is daunting and really tiring - I dont even get a sort of appreciation for what im doing. I'm just there, silently strapping along. Finish the time and go home.